Thursday, June 24, 2010


.....grrrrr that's all I got, hahaha and it was from me,nothing from no one else. So I was busy yesterday and it was late when I finally got the their house after receiving an order to be there, feet into the house within the next 10mins. I made it with a couple mins to spare, good thing to. Because I'm already in trouble for being late to work yesterday. However I would make the choice to be late again because what made me late helped me, well for the most part.
It's frustrating knowing something that you can't today marks Three weeks since I've had a real spanking. by real I mean an all out, your being punished spanking. I got two what I would term as teasers or minis, one wasn't hard or anything more of this is the leather strap and your within striking distance, thought you two should say hello kind of a thing. The other was that mini like four swats with a charger cord, it was bad because I couldn't stop laughing so got two more swats before I had to bite hand to stop till he went up stairs.
Anyways frustrated, because I know I'm due for one, earned punishment yesterday with being late, and have been told I'm being semi-disrespectful or get to big for my britches. Whats so bad about that you ask? Well nothing but he is in class for the next week, so the appearance of Sir most likely not seen for a bit or the end of class. It gives me the "grrr"s. Then I feel guilty cause he cant help that or being tired.
So she and I bicker or what I would call play fight and mostly it is all fun and games. There have been a couple times I wonder about but we work it out. Now we both get told no more got to get along. We are? Just because its not clear to you how we are communicating doesn't mean it isn't working for us.
Ok last part of my venting, so get a text saying I tryed to get a kiss, but you just got up and left. That was yesterday morning. Mmmmkay my bad was still waking up, well then no kiss goodnight, bummer but no big deal. Cut to this morning, alarm goes off several times, its either snoozed or turned off, whatever not mine, mine goes off..SNOOZE, oh button how I love thee, goes off again, I get up gather all my junk, lean over, rub an arm to get attention..what happens, looks at phone to see time "fuck" and closes eyes again, so I kiss a cheek, all I get is a grunt that comes across as don't touch me. Insert sad panda face here. This wasn't a grr as much as a well that sucked in a non-fun way. When I left think I was the only one awake. That just bites

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